Sacred Heart (Marystown) - St. Patrick's (Burin)
St. Joan of Arc (Frenchman's Cove) Our Lady of Lourdes (Fortune)
Opportunities for Stewardship of Time and Talent
Opportunities for Stewardship of Time and Talent
Altar Servers - This ministry assists the priest or during our Liturgical celebrations. This ministry is active both on weekdays and weekends and is open to all parishioners.
Bereavement - These teams offer guidance and consolation on behalf of the Christian community to those who have suffered the death of a loved one. This ministry involves visiting the funeral home, meeting with the family, and planning the various Liturgical Celebrations. It involves attending a vigil for the deceased, the funeral Mass and being present, if possible, at the grave side.
Catholic Woman’s League – The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to he people of God.
Cemetery Committee - This committee cares for our beloved dead, the are responsible for the up-keep and maintance of our cemeteries.
Children's Liturgy - Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a program for children from four years to 10 years. Through simplified readings, song, discussion and activity, the leaders help the children discover God’s message for them in the Sunday Gospel. This ministry invites you to become a leader, to work as part of a team, to become familiar with the scriptures and to grow in your faith. Team meetings are held once a month.
Choir - The choir leads the congregational singing at our weekend masses, funerals, etc. Practices are held weekly. Membership is open to all parishioners, musicians, especially needed.
Development & Peace - Development and Peace is the international development organization for the Canadian Catholic Church. Development and Peace works in Canada to educate Canadians about development, social justice issues, and human rights in developing countries. If you are interested in learning more about Development and Peace, please leave your name at the parish office, or visit the web site at
Eucharistic Minister - Members of this ministry distribute Communion at our Eucharistic celebrations. For those who are able, this ministry also involves taking Communion to the sick of our parish. Participation is scheduled on a rotating basis.
Family Aid - The Family Aid is an organization of Christian women and men who minister to those in need, whether they suffer sickness or disability, loneliness or poverty. A desire to put the gospel into action is the most important qualification for members.
Family Based Catechesis - This ministry assists parents through a formation process, centered in the home, as they guide their children in the faith through participation in the Sunday Liturgy, the Sacraments and the life of our parish community. As members of this ministry, leaders meet with parents and children several times over the year providing them with materials and support as they follow the ‘Born in the Spirit’ series.
Finance Committee - The Finance Committee works with the parish priest regarding the administration and financial affairs of the parish. The Committee utilized the expertise of parish members to prepare an annual budget, oversee the parish financial books and records, and prepare reports for the parish and the diocese. It assists in setting policies and procedures and in planning all financial matters. Membership is by appointment by the pastor.
Grounds Beautification - Are you a gardener? Do you have a love of gardening? Well this Ministry is for you. Our Parish needs people in the Spring, to prepare our beds for summer and in the Fall to get them ready for Winter. In between, volunteers are needed to weed and water our lovely plants and shrubs during the growing season.
Hospitality - The work of this ministry is primarily to greet those who gather for our Liturgical Celebrations. Members endeavor to make our Church environment hospitable, friendly, warm and safe for the worshiping faithful. Membership is open to anyone who is confirmed. Participation is scheduled on a rotating basis.
Knights of Columbus - The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic family fraternal organization. Members of our Parish are welcome to join either of the Knights of Columbus Councils in each Parish. Inquiries may be made through our Parish Office.
Lectors - In this ministry members are called on to proclaim God’s Word to the assembly. Personal prayer and reflection on the Word form an integral part of the preparation for this important ministry. Participation is scheduled on a rotating basis.
Liturgical Environment Committee - This ministry co-ordinates the overall worship environment of our Church. The work of this Committee is two-fold: (1) to make all preparations for Liturgical Celebrations and (2) to maintain and enhance the Church environment. Members of this committee seek to create a welcoming atmosphere for all our celebrations.
Liturgy Committee - The Liturgy Committee works in consultation with the Priest in the preparation and celebration of the liturgical seasons and the sacraments. The committee also promotes the work and training of parishioners for liturgical ministers. The committee studies and keeps informed on the current policies and publications of the Liturgical Commission of the Archdiocese and continues to implement the work of Vatican Council II.
Legion of Mary - The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation in Mary’s and the Church’s work.
Maintenance Committee - The primary task of this ministry is the care and upkeep of our buildings and other maintenance obligations of our parish.
Marriage Co-ordinators – People in this Ministry help couples prepare for their marriage by assisting at the wedding rehearsal.
Mary Queen of Peace and Joy Prayer Group - Pope John Paul II called for a "new evangelization", an evangelization that would be "new in ardor, methods, and expression." Our Prayer Group Meets Every Sunday Night at 7pm in the Sacred Heart Church Basement
Parish Pastoral Council - This Council advises the pastor in planning, encouraging, guiding and directing all aspects of parish life. It is a consultative body made up of representatives of the parish. The Council defines the parish needs, proposes policies and continuously evaluates on the life and ministries of the parish. Membership is by election or appointment by the pastor.
Pre-Baptism This team ministers to parents and Godparents as they prepare to initiate their children/Godchildren into our faith community through Baptism. Group sessions and presence at the Baptismal ceremony are all part of this ministry.
Presentation of Gifts This is a ministry in which you can participate individually or as a family. As a member of this ministry, you will carry the gifts of bread and wine to the altar during the Offertory of the Mass on behalf of the Congregation.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - RCIA is the year long process which leads an adult person towards Baptism or full communion with the Catholic Church. The RCIA Team is a group of parishioners who have made a commitment to accompany potential converts on their faith journey.
Right to Life - The parish pro-life committee has a special mission. Its purpose is to assist the parishioners to understand, accept and witness to the sacredness of every human life. The pro-life mission is (a) education through pro-life material and with some presentations and speakers (b) service by availability to provide practical assistance in order to meet our pro-life obligations faithfully (c) support the various pro-life organizations active in our community (d) prayer to encourage return of respect for human life in our society.
Telephone & Office Volunteer - A ministry where we occasionally need people to attend to phones in the office while other work is being done and to assist during peak work times of the year. (Eg. taxation receipt time, envelope labeling, end of year, etc.)
Transportation - This ministry involves providing transportation to members of our faith community who do not have rides, thus enabling them to attend daily or weekend Masses.
Ways and Means – Members of this committee assist the parish in areas of fundraising. This committee is vital to parish life and helps to provide funds for our pastoral services, special projects, and our monthly financial Commitments.
Youth Group - We have a Youth Group that is steadily developing but we need leaders to work with them. Many young people are finding it difficult to locate their place in our faith community. Youth belong to our assembly and we need people who will give them leadership.
Other Personal or professional skills/gifts which you may possess (e.g. carpentry, electrical, etc.) and which may be used in the service of the parish